Different Types of Keywords And Its Importance

Ranking high but few visitors, few visitors and no conversions.  Yes, This is what happens with many sites. 

The reason of which is the selection of ‘Keywords’. Before we become a contradict to our own blog, ‘Key To Successful SEO Is Not The Keyword Anymore’, see this.

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Keywords are still a major aspect of SEO, and the selection of right set of keywords are most important. 

Why Selection Of Right ‘Keyword’ Is Important?

The different types of keyword we select makes a drastic change in the ‘quality’ of website traffic we get. 

Let’s understand with the below mentioned example.

I have an e-commerce for mobile phones and I have selected keywords like ‘Best Mobile Phones’ and imposed all my SEO efforts and now the keyword is ranking high for my URL but there’s very few people clicking on website and going through the buying process. Then I have reworked on my keyword selection, I replaced it with ‘’Buy Mobile Phones’ now the number of clicks I got is almost half, but the people going through the buying process are double than earlier.

This is how SEO works, it’s not only about ranking high, it’s also about bringing relevant traffic. 

Understanding Different Types Of Keywords

They different types of keywords ARE majorly classified into 5 types.

1. Generic Keywords: 

The single term or word in ‘general’ that have a meaning but doesn’t specify anything. This is called as Generic Keyword. For example ‘Digital’, ‘marketing’ or even ‘Digital marketing’ falls under this category. This type of keywords have really high search volume but to attain a high position in search engine for ‘generic keywords are really very hard.

2. Informative Keywords:

The keyword that is basically a question in its own is the perfect meaning of Informative Keywords. The keyword used by only those type of users who are looking for a direct answer to their query. The example for such keyword is ‘What is Digital Marketing?’ or ‘Digital Marketing means’.

Google has launched a snippet to provide direct answers in SERP itself that appears (mostly) for informative keywords and others too. 

3. Short-Tail Keywords:

Little elaborated form of generic keyword can be considered as short-tail keywords. Also the short tail keywords describes or gives little more knowledge of what the keyword is related to. 

For example: The term ‘Digital Marketing’ is a generic keyword. By adding words like ‘training’, ‘service’ or ‘company’ will result in the short tail keywords like ‘Digital Marketing training’, ‘Digital Marketing service’, ‘Digital Marketing Company’.

4. Long-Tail Keywords:

The 3-4 words all together forms one keyword, known as ‘Long Tail Keyword’. The increase in competition categorized the search terms to reach the curated audience. The long tail keywords are more effective than other keywords. The longer the keyword is, the accurate result you’ll get to see. For example ‘Best Digital Marketing service’ or ‘degree colleges for boys’.

5. Geo- Targeted Keywords:

The Google Algorithm update ‘Pigeon’ brought a change to the SERP bringing location based results. Then the usage of keywords specifying location in it came into notice. This type of keywords have a location or area specified in it. For example ‘Digital Marketing Institute in Hyderabad’ or ‘Software Development Company in Bangalore’.

These were the different types of keywords to be understand while preparing an SEO strategy. 

Let’s discuss in the comment box about the current trend of these keywords.

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